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Good Day Everyone! I am so grateful and honored to know that someone nominated me for a Liebster Award. I was nominated by Lilia from England, she also has a wonderful blog, I love her photos. If I have the chance to nominate Lilia I would definitely nominate her!

So what is a Liebster Award all about?

"Liebster is a German word that means sweetest, kindest, nicest or dearest, and this award is given to bloggers with less than 200 followers who deserve more recognition. The Liebster award is given by other bloggers who enjoy your blog. Once you’ve been given the award, you thank the nominating blogger on your blog and award 11 Liebster awards to your favorite blogs."  

For me, this award will give inspiration to bloggers especially to those who want to be motivated to blog more and more. 

So here are the rules:

-you must link back to the person who nominated you
-you have to answer 11 questions from the person who nominated you
-you have to make 11 questions for the persons you are nominating (let bloggers know) 
-you have to nominate 11 blogs with less than 200 followers to answer your questions (bloglovin)
-you are NOT allowed to nominate the person who nominated you

These are the questions from Lilia:

1.What is your favourite trend this season?

-Ankle boots, floral caps and crop tops

2.What's the last book you read?

-The Man Who Ate The 747

3. Autumn/Winter or Spring/Summer?

- We don't have Autumn/Winter here so, definitely SUMMER

4.Current celebrity crush?

- Channing Tatum

5.Favourite band?

- One Republic

6.Favourite genre of music?

- Hip-hop, pop and alternative

7. If you could give a piece of advice to your past self, what would it be?


8.What was/is your favourite subject in school?

- ahh this is so hard! Haha, maybe Physical Ed. :)

9.Who do you wish you could swap lives with for a day?

- Kendall Jenner

10. Favourite fictional character?

- Spider Man

11.Aspirations for the future?

- To travel the WORLD.

For my Nominees, here are your questions:

1. Favorite fashion icon
2. Which do you prefer, Facebook or Twitter?
3. Favorite Male and Female celebrity?
4. Favorite Tv Show?
5. Current favorite song?
6. What is the most interesting city to visit in your country?
7. If you had one word to describe yourself, what would it be?
8. What sport do you do?
9.What are your major goals in life?
10. Your favorite quote?
11.What's the best movie you've seen lately?

My deserving nominees:



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